
In a digital world, there is no longer a distinction between the online and offline experience of customers. It's all about how you meet their needs in both spaces. That's why businesses need to be more digitally-enabled: for better customer engagement, improved profitability and growth.

Your customer is digitalizing

Your customers are digitalizing. They're spending more time online, using digital channels to make purchases and even using technology as a tool for self-improvement. They're demanding more convenience, speed and transparency in their interactions with you--and they want that from all of your business transactions.

If you want to stay relevant in this new world of customer behavior, then it's time to get on board with digitalization!

Digital transformation is becoming pervasive

Digital start is becoming pervasive in all industries. It's not just about technology, it's about thinking and making sense of information. In the past, businesses had a limited amount of time and resources to focus on their core business operations; however, today's digital economy requires you to think differently.

The fact that digital transformation is becoming so pervasive has made it easier for companies across all industries to adopt new technologies and platforms as they become available--and this trend will continue into 2020!

Businesses are transforming to meet the needs of customers in a digital world.

The world is becoming more digital, and businesses are transforming to meet the needs of customers in a digital world. The following six core elements are essential for businesses:

  • Customers are digital. It is impossible to sell products or services without knowing the target market and its wants, needs and desires which means that businesses need a customer-centric approach at all times.

  • Businesses need to be more digital. The most important thing about being digital is that it allows you to connect with your customers on multiple levels: from answering their questions directly through social media posts or email responses; through online video testimonials; up until direct sales over phone calls/emails etc., this has been difficult but now it's easier thanks largely due to technology like smartphones which allow us all access not only locally but globally too!

Influencers are digitalizing

Influencers are digitalizing. They are using social media to promote products and services, connect with their audience and build their brand.

Social media is one of the most effective ways to reach out to potential customers. It's also an effective way for influencers to share content about their own experiences or those of others in their industry; this can be especially helpful when it comes to helping people make decisions about buying things they may not otherwise have considered before (like buying a car).

Influencers use these platforms as well as others like email marketing campaigns or direct mail pieces because they know how important it is for them - even if they aren't yet financially successful - so that they can continue growing as businesses over time

The customer experience is shifting dramatically.

As a business owner, you are aware that your customers are demanding more from your company. They want to feel heard and understood, they want a personalized experience, and they expect you to offer products and services that meet their needs. And these expectations aren't just in the realm of digitalization--they're changing the way we live our lives as well.

The customer experience is becoming more important than ever before. While it's true that traditional marketing tactics like advertising have been around forever (and will continue), modern consumers are looking for a different kind of relationship with businesses--one based on trust instead of fear or suspicion.

The role of the retailer is being transformed.

The role of the retailer is being transformed. The old model of a retailer as a pure service provider, selling products and providing services has been challenged by new models that involve more direct engagement with customers.

Retailers have become increasingly like media companies or content creators--they are moving from being just in-store sales channels to becoming digital content platforms for their brands and products.

Businesses need to be more digital

The world is becoming increasingly digital and businesses are transforming to meet the needs of customers in a digital world. Customers are digitalizing at an unprecedented rate, with 80% planning on doing so by 2020. As they do so, retailers will need to understand how they can utilize technology as both a means of supporting their business activities and as an enabler for new ways of engaging with customers when it comes to shopping or buying goods and services online.

The role of influencers is also changing as they become more active participants in shaping consumer experiences through social media channels like Instagram or Facebook; this trend has been dubbed "influencer marketing" by some marketers who see it as an effective way of reaching out directly to consumers without needing any assistance from brands themselves (i.,e., bloggers).


Digital startup is a big change for businesses, but it’s also an opportunity to take advantage of what digitalization can do for your company. You may be wondering if this transformation will happen at the same time as yours or if you should wait until later in the process. The truth is that there are no clear-cut answers here—it depends on a variety of factors including how long your business has been around, what kind of industry it’s in (and whether or not this type of transformation has already happened before), as well as external factors such as customer demand and technology advances over time. The good news though is that even if other businesses haven't made this switch yet, there's still plenty more room left for innovation in today's world!